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ManualFilter Press Operation Manual Instruction from Leo Filter Press,the FilterPress Manufacturer from China
FilterPress Hydraulic System Operation Instructions,Plate and Frame Filter PressManual Operation Instructions
LeoFilter Press offers different size manual filter press, these manual operationfilter press all in small filter plate size and chamber capacity design, canoperated for small capacity slurry filtering projects. This full manualoperation filter press will be in low troubleshooting rate,easy for working andoperation. This small filter press model normally no need professionaloperators to work, filter press user can install and operate easily accordingto the manual filter press operation manual.
ManualFilter Press Brief Design Instructions:
Filter platesize: from 400mmX400mm to 800mmX800mm
Filteringarea: from 1m2 to 40m2
Manualfilter press operation: complete manual, all the filter plates close by manualhydraulic system
Manualhydraulic system model: LEOHY1108
Filterpress feeding pump: membrane pump, membrane piston pump,screw pump,slurry pumpetc.
Capacityper year: more than 200sets
Testingstandard: by China Filter Press Industry Filter Press Testing Standard