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Small Tips for Leo Filter Press Slurry Dewatering Operation
Leo Filter Press Sludge Dewatering Pre-treatment Instructions
Leo Filter Press always have some questions for slurry dewatering, why can’t have remarkable efficiency and treating result,there are some small tips for slurry pre-treatment,normally the slurry need to be filtered has high content of water,in order to decrease pollution to the environment and for after-treatment processing, to do thickening, dewatering to have less slurry volume is very necessary.The slurry dewatering have to kinds, nature hydro-dewatering and mechanism dewatering, the mechanism dewatering is fulfilled by pressure difference for the filtering media, by this, the slurry contained water will be pencentrate the filtering media to get filtrate and solids will be stopped an stay on the filtering media to form filter cake.This processing is called dewatering by filter press.
The Slurry Pretreatment before Filtering
Almost all the slurry will be treatment before passing into the filter press, this is always called pre-adjusting, by this pre-adjusting, the slurry will be easy to be dewatered, pre-adjusting have two kinds, one is physical adjusting and the other one is chemical adjusting.
Before filtering, the filter press user need to check whether the slurry is easy for filtering or not,normally the primary thickening slurry have good dewatering ability but the biological wastewater is pooer. If the slurry mixed by this two kind of slury, need to check the ration of the two kinds of slurry first if R<4.0*1013m/kg,or CST<20s, can be handled by mechanism dewatering by filter press.