Leo company's product prototype.

LeoFilter Press manual filter press designed to be small chamber capacity can workwith small sludge capacity filtration.Normally Leo Filter Press manual filterpress will be used for factory or university laboratory filtering test,smallsize designed Leo Filter Press manual filter press can move to next test siteeasily and no need to connect with electricity,all the operation will be donemanually. For For some special filtering projects,need much drier filter presscakes, Leo Filter Press also have membrane filter plate for this small sizemanual filter press for further dewatering by membrane filter plates squeezing,to squeeze out remained filtrate from filter cake.
LeoManual filter press membrane filter plate and recessed chamber filter platesize: 400mmX400mm,500mmX500mm,630mmX630mm, 800mmX800mm and with the same sizefilter press cloth, Leo Filter Press also offer special filter cloth model testfor Leo Filter manual filter press operation.